Jesus talked a lot about money because he knew that money is a means for power, control, and pleasure. It is also needed to maintain life. The great error is to either never talk about money or to talk about it all the time. At Seven Mile Waltham, we want to be gracious, clear, and direct when it comes to financial giving.

That said, the Bible teaches that believers should give generously, regularly, sacrificially, willingly, and cheerfully...never under compulsion (2 Corinthians 9). Formulas and pat answers are rarely (if ever!) found in the Bible. Pray and consider how to give in a way that reflects the heart of 2 Corinthians 9. Historically, the church has encouraged giving at 10%, which we think is a great benchmark, one that we encourage members to consider, though it is not mandated.

The button below will take you to a secure website, where you can make a one-time or reoccurring tax-deductible gift.