Welcome to Seven Mile Road,
a church in & for Waltham


We believe that a church is not a building or a place, but a family and a community. We seek to provide a clear and compelling witness to the real Jesus. We are a broken-but-beloved family where we share life together, celebrating triumphs and mourning tragedies. We believe that you can belong before you believe because our invitation to you is not contingent on our common beliefs, but on our common humanity.

Our Name

Our name tells our story. In Luke 24, two disciples are walking from Jerusalem to Emmaus, on a road seven miles long. Jesus had just died and all their hope was shattered. For the first time in their life, they had dared to believe that peace, justice, and grace would surround their life, but their savior had died. While they were on this seven mile road, Jesus came alongside these weary disciples and began to explain to them how the Scriptures pointed to a suffering-servant-savior who would not only defeat empires, but who would defeat death itself.At first, they didn’t recognize Jesus. Later, when they reached Emmaus, he broke bread with them and their eyes were opened. Their hearts were full as they came to see the truth, goodness, and beauty of the gospel. Grace came flooding in. Their hope was restored — even more than they could have imagined. After Jesus left them, they ran back to Jerusalem down that seven mile road to tell everyone the good news.

Journey with Us

That’s our hope. We want to come alongside people on hopeless roads and introduce them to the real Jesus so that they find life, place, and meaning in Christ. We want to see souls redeemed for His glory and their joy, and see our neighbors become family and sent back on mission with good news to share.