Gospel Communities
A Gospel Community is a small group of Christians living life on life, life in community, and life on mission in order to make disciples who make disciples.
Together, we learn how to worship and submit to Jesus in all of life by loving one another as family, worshipping Jesus as servants who serve others, and sharing the good news of Jesus Christ as his sent missionaries.
Gospel communities gather at different times throughout the week to fulfill Jesus' mission of being disciples who make disciples. More than an event, we are a family learning to believe the gospel and obey Jesus in every area of our lives. And, as a community, we move toward others in gospel love, giving a clear and compelling witness to the real Jesus.
We currently have three Gospel Communities that meet regularly. For more information on times and locations, request details at the button below.
Because of who God is and what he has done for us in the Gospel, we receive new identities as Family, Servants, and Missionaries.
We are loved into God’s family because of the Father’s initiating grace and generous love. We are adopted as sons and daughters of God. Like Jesus, the Father says to us, “This is my beloved child, with whom I am well pleased.” And that love changes us and compels us to love others.
Jesus came as a King with the posture of a Servant. He came to serve, giving his life as a ransom to secure our redemption and restoration. Jesus modeled for us what it means to be his servants and as His followers we share that identity, serving whoever Jesus brings us to show what life is like in his kingdom.
The Spirit enables us to die to old ways of self-involvement and sends us out on His mission of redemption to display, declare, and delight in the Gospel of Jesus Christ to our friends and family, neighbors and networks. We seek to make, mature, and multiply disciples in the everyday stuff of life.
Although every gospel community is unique, there are certain shared values that must be fully embraced
by everyone in the community.
The gospel is our oxygen: we die without it, we love to breathe it in, and we long for others to help us in our pursuit of it. The gospel holds out untold vistas of goodness, beauty, power, and truth for every reality in our lives. And so, gospel communities are not self-help gatherings, or shallow times of general encouragement, or academic chats on the latest theological fads. They are holy communities where we love, listen to, and lead each other to Jesus and His gospel grace.
The Spirit promised us that “if we walk in the light as He is in light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin.” Gospel community is an exercise of walking in the light with each other. This means unquestioned confidentiality as we share our sins, fears, hopes, and dreams together. It means a willingness to be vulnerable so that we might be healed. It means room to ask questions, make mistakes, connect dots, and be respected in the process. It means zero tolerance for finger-pointing, embarrassment, or manipulation. It means sticking with each other and giving space for real gospel change to happen in our lives.
In His grace, the Lord has spoken in Scripture all that we need for life and godliness. We humbly and consistently come to the words of God for the first and final voice on all matters of believing and living. We do this with a spirit of dependent prayer, asking the Spirit to illuminate truth and move us toward glad obedience to it.
In order for any gospel community to actually become a gospel-formed family, there is a certain necessary threshold of proximity of life and frequency of time together. This does not mean that all gospel community members need to live two doors down from each other and be together six nights a week. Nor does it mean that “missing” a gospel community event comes with strict reprimands. It just means that in order to create space for the volume of interactions and depth of relationships that true discipleship requires, we need to see each other often enough and be able to get together easily enough.
Our life together as Jesus’ blood-bought people is a powerful apologetic for the gospel. “By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” Sometimes we prefer to only “do mission” individually, with our “small group” providing relational support. But Scripture is clear that mission happens best when done together. The strongest way for people to understand the gospel is to both hear it articulated AND see its implications enfleshed in a living, breathing community of changed people. By embracing missional living together, we get to promote the beauty of the gospel in diverse and living color.