I Was Blind, Now I See (John 9:1-41)


TEXT: John 9:1-41

A man born blind receives miraculous healing from Jesus. His blindness was not a result of any particular sin, but a part of God's plan to display the power and grace of Christ. Instead of glorifying God for this work, the religious leaders continue to oppose Jesus and ridicule the healed man. This account is a picture of the gospel: those blind to spiritual realities are given sight through Jesus Christ.


HEAD: Questions aimed at our minds to help us understand God’s word.

    • What do the disciples believe is the cause of the man’s blindness and  how does Jesus respond? (v.1-3)

    • Identify the different characters in this passage. How do they each respond to the miracle of Jesus?

HEART: Questions aimed at our affections to help us love God.

    • How does this physical miracle illustrate the spiritual work of the gospel in sinners like us?

    • Read verses 40-41. How would you summarize what Jesus is telling the Pharisees here? How does this serve as a warning for us?

HANDS: Questions aimed at our hands to help us live for God (Personally, Communally, and Missionally).

    • Who do you identify most with in this passage: The man born blind, his parents, or the Pharisees? How is the gospel good news for each kind of person?

    • Read verses 3-4 again. How does Jesus’ teaching here correct your understanding of suffering? How does it bring you comfort?