April 19th // Home Liturgy


For our Home Liturgy today, we'll be looking at Philippians 1:19-30. In this passage, Paul again repeats the theme of rejoicing in any circumstance, even the possibility of death for the sake of the Gospel. He is so confident in God that he is willing to live for Christ or to die and be with Christ. Such confidence should mark our lives as well. Like Paul, we who are citizens of heaven are to live in a manner that is worthy of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We encourage you to walk through this liturgy at 10 am if you can (our normal gathering time). While we can’t be together physically, we can walk through the scriptures and worship, and pray for one another simultaneously.

Consider sharing this with others outside of our SMR family. While we cannot invite others to our normal gathering, we can invite them to hear the gospel. This provides a unique missional opportunity for each of us. Consider sending out the link and inviting others to watch. Then follow up with a conversation.

Access the Teaching Video here: Vimeo | Youtube.