TEXT: John 15:18-16:4 & 16:16-30
As we approach the end of the Farewell Discourse (Chapters 14-16), Jesus tells his disciples not to be surprised by the world's opposition to the gospel. Those who follow a hated and crucified Savior will likewise be opposed by the world. Yet we need not fear such opposition. Though tribulation is our lot, we can take heart because He has overcome the world.
HEAD: Questions aimed at our minds to help us understand God’s word.
According to Jesus, why should we expect opposition and hatred from the world as followers of him? (15:18-25)
Read 15:25. What does this quotation from Psalm 39 tell us about the purposes of God?
What other passages in the Bible come to mind when you think about persecution?
HEART: Questions aimed at our affections to help us love God
Jesus exhorts his disciples to “take heart” in the face of tribulation (16:33). What does he mean by this?
List all of the reasons you find in these passages to take heart and rejoice, even in the midst of opposition.
How does the fear of opposition from others keep you from speaking and/or living in light of the Gospel? Give real-life examples. How does the gospel free us from the fear of man?
HANDS: Questions aimed at our hands to help us live for God (Personally, Communally, and Missionally).
Read 16:1. How will the words of Jesus help his disciples (including us) face persecution?
Read 15:20. Not everyone opposed Jesus! How does this encourage you as you seek to bring the gospel to those around you?
As you consider our culture, what are some ways you see opposition to Christianity increasing? How does this inform your prayers?
Many brothers and sisters in Christ around the world experience heavy and ongoing persecution for faith in Christ. Spend some time in prayer for the persecuted church around the world. Consider a resource like https://www.persecution.com/ to help you pray.