
Exodus 12 & Luke 22 // Do This in Remembrance of Me

Exodus 12 describes the origin of The Passover event. In Luke 22, we see how Jesus The Spotless Lamb of God is the true fulfillment of the Passover as he institutes the Lord’s Supper. ​​In these passages, we see that following Christ means both looking back to the cross and empty tomb with gratitude, dwelling with him in present allegiance by faith, and looking forward with hope.

The Seven Mile Road // Luke 24:13-35

On this resurrection Sunday we looked at a passage near and dear to our church: Luke 24:13-35 recounts the journey of two disciples from Jerusalem to Emmaus. On this seven-mile road, they encounter the resurrected Jesus without recognizing him. Jesus opens the scriptures to them and proclaims the glories of the gospel to their hopeless, grief-stricken hearts. Later that evening, when they recognize him they say, “Did not our hearts burn within us while we talked to us on the road?” Where can we find lasting hope in a world of grief? How can wounded, discouraged hearts be mended and made whole? Only in Jesus, the crucified and risen Savior. Come to Him and live!