The Beginning of Wisdom (Proverbs 1:1-7)

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A proverb is a brief statement of time-tested counsel for practical living. The first seven verses in the Book of Proverbs give us an introduction and overview of the book. The purpose of these writings is that readers may gain wisdom. But what is wisdom? And where does it come from? How do we gain this wisdom? Those are the questions Proverbs 1:1-7 answer. In doing so they point us to a reverential awe of God that translates into a life lived for him.


  1. HEAD: Questions aimed at our minds to help us understand God’s word.

    • This passage serves as an introduction to the entire Book of Proverbs. How would you summarize the purpose of Proverbs as described in verses 2-6?

    • Wisdom is described in a comprehensive way in this passage. It’s more than just mere intellectual knowledge. What words does Solomon use to describe wisdom? How would define wisdom according to God’s word?

  2. HEART: Questions aimed at our affections to help us love God.

    • Read Verse 7 again. R.C. Sproul says, “The focus here is on a sense of awe and respect for the majesty of God. That’s often lacking in contemporary evangelical Christianity. We get very flippant and cavalier with God, as if we had a casual relationship with the Father. We are invited to call Him Abba, Father, and to have the personal intimacy promised to us, but still we’re not to be flippant with God. We’re always to maintain a healthy respect and adoration for Him.” What are some ways we tend to be flippant with God and thus neglect the right fear of the Lord? Give examples of how this leads to foolishness.

    • We can’t master wisdom in our own strength or by our own giftedness. Instead, God gives it to us by his grace. So how does this passage point us to the good news of the Gospel?

  3. HANDS: Questions aimed at our hands to help us live for God (Personally, Communally, and Missionally).

    • All of us despise God’s wisdom and instruction (v.7). What sins do you need to repent of in light of Proverbs 1:1-7

    • A necessary part of growing in wisdom is hearing (v.5). What practices do you need to implement to ensure that you are growing in wisdom for every-day living? Consider the Diagnostic questions about teachability under “Dig Deeper” below…


  • Wisdom and Foolishness (Article)

  • What Does it Mean to Fear God? (Article)

  • Sermon Notes (PDF)

  • How Do I Know If I’m Teachable? (Diagnostic Questions)

    • Do you admit when you are wrong?

    • Do you ask for help?

    • Do you act defensive when criticized, or do you listen openly for truth?

    • Can you point to areas where you have changed your opinion on a matter based on new information

    • Would those close to you describe you as teachable?