
Reading the Bible in 2020

We want to help you prepare for a year of spiritual growth. So here are a number of different Bible reading plans to guide you as you read scripture in 2020. Click the links for a PDF of each plan and find one that works for you. As a church, let’s be filled with and shaped by God’s word together:

It's Time To Decide (Proverbs 9)

Proverbs 9 provides a crossroads for the reader. This Chapter is the end of the first part of Proverbs- an introductory section for the rest of the book. Wisdom sets a table before us, inviting us to a life of blessing. Folly sets a trap, inviting us to a life of curses. Solomon calls us to choose the life of wisdom, reminding us that such a decision must be guided by the fear of the Lord; reverential awe of God. Which path will you choose?

Unintended Consequences (Proverbs 1:8-19)

After introducing and giving and overview of the book (v.1-7) Chapter 1 goes on to give a fatherly appeal to the reader to not forsake wise instruction and teaching. Verses 8-19 show us that to live wisely means we must be careful not to be enticed by those who pursue evil and are greedy for unjust gain. While such pursuits may seem like a pathway to joy, they ultimately lead to death. How does genuine community serve to guard us against the false promises of counterfeit community? 

The Beginning of Wisdom (Proverbs 1:1-7)

A proverb is a brief statement of time-tested counsel for practical living. The first seven verses in the Book of Proverbs give us an introduction and overview of the book. The purpose of these writings is that readers may gain wisdom. But what is wisdom? And where does it come from? How do we gain this wisdom? Those are the questions Proverbs 1:1-7 answer. In doing so they point us to a reverential awe of God that translates into a life lived for him.

Something Greater (Jesus & Jonah)

We’ve walked through the entire narrative of Jonah. Now we’re taking a “big picture” look at the Book of Jonah in light of the good news of Jesus Christ. Jesus tells us that the Old Testament bears witness to him (Luke 24:44). So what does Jonah have to do with Jesus? How does the Book of Jonah point us to Jesus Christ as our only hope?

Understanding God’s Love (Jonah 4)

Chapter 4 begins with Jonah’s angry response to God for the mercy shown to Nineveh. He knows God is gracious and loving, but doesn’t enjoy seeing such love extended to his enemies. In fact, Jonah is so bothered by God’s love toward Nineveh that he asks God to take his life. But God, still pursuing Jonah, teaches Jonah a lesson about his love. Does Jonah see his pride and embrace God’s love? Or does he continue in self-centeredness? The book of Jonah ends without revealing Jonah’s response, and in doing so invites the reader to ask, “How will you respond?”

The Mystery of Mercy (Jonah 3)

Jonah is given a second chance to bring the word of the LORD to the people of Nineveh. This time, Jonah listens and faithfully proclaims the message. While chapters 1 and 2 show the miraculous rescue of Jonah through the God-appointed fish, chapter 3 shows another miracle; the wide-scale repentance of an entire city. The wicked people of Nineveh repent upon hearing the prophet’s message. God shows great mercy by withholding judgment against the people of Nineveh.

Restored by Grace (Jonah 2)

Jonah has been thrown overboard and rescued by God who sent a great fish to swallow him up. He miraculously survives in the belly of the fish for three days and three nights. Chapter 2 captures Jonah’s desperate prayer from inside the belly of the fish. Jonah is brought to a place of spiritual desperation, a place where he can recognize his great sin and God’s great grace.

Running From God (Jonah 1)

The Book of Jonah begins with God calling the prophet to go and proclaim a message of judgment against the people of Nineveh; Israel’s enemies. Instead of obeying  Gods command, Jonah takes a boat in the opposite direction. While on the journey a tumultuous storm threatens the lives of all on the ship. Jonah, knowing the storm is from God, acknowledges his rebellion against God and is thrown overboard. Just when Jonah thinks his life is over, the LORD sends a great fish to swallow up Jonah. He remains in the belly of the fish three days and three nights.