What Are We To Make of Jesus (John 5:18-47)

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TEXT: John 5:18-47

The opposition to Jesus from the Jewish religious authorities has reached a high point. They consider the actions and claims of Jesus as blasphemy against the one true God. Who does this carpenter from Nazareth think he is to make these claims? In this passage, Jesus teaches us, just as the scripture plainly explains, that his authority is directly from God the Father. Will we reject this authority? Or will we humbly submit, receiving Jesus and the eternal life he brings?


  1. HEAD: Questions aimed at our minds to help us understand God’s word.

    • This is a weighty theological passage centered on the relationship between God the Father and God the Son. List as many observations about the Father, the Son, and the relationship they enjoy.

    • How do the truths in this passage challenge the modern cultural understanding of Jesus? How do these truths challenge your understanding of Jesus?

  2. HEART: Questions aimed at our affections to help us love God.

    • Read verses 22-24. What is the promise of the gospel that Jesus gives here? How should this reality stir us to love and worship him?

    • Read Jesus’ words to the religious leaders in verses 39-47. What does Jesus teach us about the ultimate purpose of studying God’s word? What does he teach us about the central message of the Old Testament?

  3. HANDS: Questions aimed at our hands to help us live for God (Personally, Communally, and Missionally).

    • According to Jesus, the only way we can derive life from the Scriptures is to see Jesus in the Scriptures. How does this change the way you read & understand the Bible?

    • Jesus sums up the primary problem with his opponents in verse 44. They were blinded from seeing  God’s glory in Jesus because they lived for the glory and approval of others. In what ways are you tempted to live for lesser glories? How can we help one another fight against these vain pursuits with the power of the Gospel?