In His Image (Genesis 1:26-31 & 2:4-8)


TEXT: Genesis 1:26-31 & 2:4-8

Why does every single person matter? Why do we intuitively know that life has meaning and purpose? These big questions are answered in Genesis in the creation account of humanity. Humans -- like no other creation -- are made in the image of God. Listen and consider the implications of what it means to be made in the image of God.


Questions aimed at our minds to help us understand God’s word.

  • After walking through creation in Genesis 1:1-2:3, why do you think chapter 2 goes into more detail regarding the creation of man and woman?

  • Read Genesis 1:26. What does it mean that man and woman are made in the image of God?

  • We see the unique, God-given role for humanity in Genesis 1:26-30. How is God’s special blessing on humanity evident in chapter 2:4-17?

HEART: Questions aimed at our affections to help us love God

  • God places Adam in a garden. The name Eden communicates a place of luxury and pleasure. What does this tell us about God?

  • We all tend to view work as tedious, but work is a part of God’s plan for humankind. It existed before sin entered the world (2:15). How does this challenge your view of work?

  • God created man with the capacity to serve him and the responsibility to keep his commands. We’ll look more at this next week, but what went wrong? (v.16-17) How does Jesus make it right?

HANDS: Questions aimed at our hands to help us live for God (Personally, Communally, and Missionally)

  • Read Psalm 8. How does this Psalm relate to Genesis 2? List all of the ways King David models how to apply the creation account to our everyday lives?