The Root of Bitter Conflict (Genesis 4:1-26)


TEXT: Genesis 4:1-26

Genesis 4 begins to show us what life is like outside of the garden. As the first family grows, so do the pervasive effects of sin. When Cain’s half-hearted attempt to worship is not accepted by God, he becomes angry, ignores God’s warning against the power of sin, and murders his brother Abel. The story of Cain and Abel helps us identify the root cause of bitterness in our own hearts. Will we ignore God’s warning? Or will we call upon the Lord in faith and find help in our time of need?


Questions aimed at our minds to help us understand God’s word.

  • What’s the situation in verses 1-4 and how does Cain respond?

  • Compare Cain to Lamech (v.23-24). How are they alike/ different? What does this tell us about the nature of sin?

  • How would you paraphrase God’s words to Cain in verse 7?

HEART: Questions aimed at our affections to help us love God

  • In the previous passage (See 3:15), God gives a promise of future deliverance through the offspring of the woman. Where do we see glimpses of this promise in chapter 4?

  • Cain sin’s grievously, but God is merciful. Where do we see God extend grace to him in this passage? What does this tell us about God’s heart towards sinners like us?

HANDS: Questions aimed at our hands to help us live for God (Personally, Communally, and Missionally)

  • Genesis 4 shows us that sin impacts every relationship (vertical, internal. and horizontal). How does sin impact your relationship with God (vertical)? Give examples.

  • How does sin impact the way you understand and see yourself (internal)? Give examples.

  • How does sin impact your relationships with others (horizontal)? Give examples.