Exiled From The Garden (Genesis 3:8-24)


TEXT: Genesis 3:8-24

Man has sinned. Now what? The remainder of Genesis 3 shows us both the devastation of sin and the grace of God, greater than our sin. Adam and Eve hide, but God pursues. Just judgment is pronounced, but the promise of grace is given. Sinners are exiled from God's presence, but there is a future hope.


Questions aimed at our minds to help us understand God’s word.

  • Look at the consequences of sin in verses 8-13. How does sin break down relationships between God and humanity?

  • How does sin breakdown the relationship between Adam and Eve?

  • Describe the punishment for each of the following: the serpent, the man, the woman.

HEART: Questions aimed at our affections to help us love God

  • While the consequences of sin are severe, God reveals his grace for sinners. Where do you see the hope and promise of the gospel in this passage?

  • Can you recount other passages of scripture where God’s grace is evident in his judgment?

  • What does this passage (and others you discussed in the previous question) tell us about the heart of God for sinners like Adam, Eve, and you?

HANDS: Questions aimed at our hands to help us live for God (Personally, Communally, and Missionally)

  • Read verse 9-10 again. Are you afraid to come to God when you are made aware of your sin? Why/ why not?

  • In verses 11-12 Adam and Eve fail to take responsibility for their sin. In what ways are you tempted to “blame-shift” when confronted with your sin?