The Flood // Genesis 6:6-8:19


TEXT: Genesis 6:6-8:19

As the sinfulness of man continues to increase, God intervenes to bring judgment through a world-wide flood. Yet his mercy is evident in choosing a righteous man who walked with God. Noah constructed an ark and led his family and the clean and unclean animals into it. He received the promise of preservation through covenant and waited patiently for the flood to be over; demonstrating what it means to walk by faith in God.

REFLECTION QUESTIONS (Read Genesis 6:9-22)

Questions aimed at our minds to help us understand God’s word.

  • We took a break from our Genesis series. So take a few minutes to flip through and review what has happened thus far in the book to be reminded of the story and key themes. 

  • Verse 6 is a difficult verse to understand. What is being communicated here? What is not being communicated about God (ie. How can this verse be misunderstood?

  • Noah anticipated a coming judgment, walked with God in his generation, and was rescued. How does this parallel the Christian life we live today?

HEART: Questions aimed at our affections to help us love God

  • How is Noah introduced and described? Why is this unique in the story of Genesis so far?

  • This passage reveals to us the character of God: How do we see his justice on display here? How do we see his mercy on display?

  • The modern mind has difficulty with the doctrine of God’s judgment. Why do you think that is? Why is it good news that God is just?

HANDS: Questions aimed at our hands to help us live for God (Personally, Communally, and Missionally)

  • The story of the flood shows us the seriousness of sin. Are you taking sin seriously in your own life? How are you identifying, confessing, and fighting sin?

  • God’s grace is greater than our sin (see Romans 5:20). In what ways are you experiencing the grace of the gospel in your life?