God's Preserving Grace // Genesis 8:20-9:29


TEXT: Genesis 8:20-9:29

The flood has subsided. Noah and his family have stepped off the ark into this new world. God makes a covenant with Noah to preserve the earth until the final judgment. But will this new world be free from the corruption of the past? No. Noah took his sin with him into the ark, and he brought it with him out of the ark. God's preserving grace is on display in Genesis 9 alongside the continued corruption of man, pointing to our need for a new and better covenant found in Christ alone.


Questions aimed at our minds to help us understand God’s word.

  • What is the first thing Noah did after leaving the Ark? What does this tell us about Noah?

  • Compare the terms of God’s covenant with Noah (9:1-17) to Genesis 1&2. What similarities/ differences do you see?

  • Where do we see the theme of God’s preservation of his creation in this passage? Where have you seen it elsewhere in Genesis so far?

HEART: Questions aimed at our affections to help us love God

  • This passage clearly shows us that sin was not done away with by the flood. Where do we see sin at work in this passage? In what ways is sin at work in your life?

  • God’s grace wasn’t done away with either. Where do we see his grace at work in this passage? In what ways is God’s grace at work in your life?

HANDS: Questions aimed at our hands to help us live for God (Personally, Communally, and Missionally)

  • Noah responded to God’s preservation with worshipful thanksgiving. Christian, how often do you thank God for saving you from just judgment through Jesus Christ? How would your life, attitude, relationships be changed if you walked in this gratitude?

  • Even a righteous man like Noah sinned and needed God’s mercy (9:20-21). How are you fighting sin and pursuing holiness by grace in your own life?