Scattered by Pride, Re-Gathered by Grace // Genesis 11:1-9


TEXT: Genesis 11:1-9

God has always intended for humanity to fill the earth. But, as Genesis 11 shows us, this filling happens in ways God did not intend. In the Tower of Babel story, we see humanity become united in its defiance of the Creator. Devastating things happen when we deny the will of God and seek to replace the pursuit of his glory with the pursuit of our own glory.


Questions aimed at our minds to help us understand God’s word.

  • What motivates people to build the tower? Do you think that something is wrong with their motivations? Why or why not?

  • God has to come down to see this tower. What does this tell us about the efforts of the people within this city?

  • How does God respond? (What does he say? What does he do?)

HEART: Questions aimed at our affections to help us love God

  • The Babel effort is an example of human self-sufficiency apart from God. In what ways do we see this self-sufficiency in the world around us? In your own life?

  • There is nothing inherently sinful about building a tower. The heart of the matter here is motives. As you consider your own life, what motivates you?

HANDS: Questions aimed at our hands to help us live for God (Personally, Communally, and Missionally)

  • Read Zephaniah 3:9 then Acts 2:1-11. In light of these passages, how does the Babel story point us to Christ?

  • In light of these passages, how does the Babel story motivate us to pursue ethnic unity?

  • In light of these passages, how does the Babel story motivate us to evangelism and mission? How can you grow in this area?